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Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu
Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu
Episodes: 12 TV
Status: Completed
Aired: 2023-02-19 06:29:25 to 2022-10-10 04:08:19
Popularity: 17
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Season: WINTER 2016
Source: Manga
Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu
Genres : Comedy Fantasy
Average Rating : 4.4 from 1 users.
Latest episodes:
9 2 1
A surreal gag anime about female junior high school students who along with mysterious creatures attend a junior high school set in the real Kashiwa town, together loosely conveying the charm of Kashiwa with contents related to the town and its events.

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